Wednesday, January 23, 2013



          Yesterday, we learned about philosophy again with Prof. Marsigit. And this is the seventh reflection about question answer of philosophy, especially philosophy of mathematics education. Yesterday, there were many questions from students to our lecturer, Prof. Marsigit.
          First question its about dimention. Does any body that is able to increase its dimensions? The most primitive dimension is the dimension of space and time dimensions. But if we ekstensifkan further there will be other dimensions such as political, the economic, the social, etc. so to the existing dimensions and dimensions may exist. Because contextual dimensions. And when viewed from the time dimension, then each object always increases with increasing time dimension. But when viewed from the dimensions of space, the object is not necessarily due to increased dimensions could be reduced. Thus increasing or decreasing the dimension depends on the context and perspective view.
          Say something helpful or unhelpful depending on contextual dimensions. So one can say useful things at once is not useful depending on the context, for example meal would be useful if in accordance with the proportional but if it exceeds then eating is an activity that is not useful.
          Second question about the application of its philosophy. The application of philosophy in education be it elementary, middle or high school is a way to reclaim the lost intuition and develop learning activities that optimize intuition. Although the truth of intuition scientifically questionable but one can think on the basis of scientific intuition. Since only about 2% of that is in this world that can be formally defined therefore intuition is needed to explain and describe what exists and may exist.
          Goddess Madream, mad = crazy dream = dream. Goddess madrem includes five yatu endeavor, prayer, charity, world, science. It was seen, as we endeavor - will live 1000 years and we pray as if - as if he died tomorrow.

Monday, December 17, 2012



          On December 11, 2012 at 13:00 in D.07.310, as usual, student of international mathematics education  attending  philosophy of mathematics education subject with Prof. Marsigit. Here is a reflection.
          This is the sixth reflection about the interaction General Philosophy and other Philosophy, especially Philosphy of Mathematics Education.
          In studying the philosophy of mathematics education, we found the same problem when studying other philosophies, such as philosophy of education, philosophy of mathematics, and others. And when studying other philosophies, we also found the equally problem when studying general philosophy. Studying philosophy will be easier if we are to understand the philosophy generally because studying philosophy must not be partial.
          Philosophizing was under spiritual therefore must follow the instructions of the teacher. Similarly, if spiritual learning in boarding school then must follow the instructions of his teacher because if not then it could be crazy. Therefore, in order to philosophize well, we must know beforehand in philosophizing procedures so that we can intuition in philosophy.
          As for the method or procedure used by prof. Marsigit is making elegy - elegy to facilitate students in order to build his philosophy. Elegy - elegy made ​​by prof.  Marsigit available in the his blog so that students can access anytime and anywhere so that students can develop at any time of his philosophy and the philosophy becomes alive because students can exchange thoughts, ideas, suggestions or questions to Prof. Marsigit or other students  related philosophies or other.       
          Prof. Marsigit make elegy - elegy based on the reality of the needs that exist and based on his experience. And it provides benefits to people who read it, especially the sincere, energetic  and follow instructions. However, it's never too late to study philosophy. Because the study of philosophy can depart from anything, to anyone and about anything.
          There are three things you learned in general philosophy.  First, which is  the essentially and  the science  called ontology, the second is the methodology, and the third is the benefit (epistemilogi and axiology). Philosophy that flow according to its time. Macroscopically, philosophy runs from the time of the ancient Greeks until now even until the end of time later. Microscopically, philosophy running all my life  because philosophy is myself.
          Successful people learn to say intelligent spiritual heart so that people can successfully learn the philosophy of mind can be said to be intelligent. People who fail in spiritual learning it could be crazy. Just as people learn to stop philosophy it will be a danger because it can be easily affected by myth. Myth is a satanic philosophy is nothing but arrogance and pride.
          Because we study during life it would be better if we study the method of life. Or the Greeks say as hermeneutics and the Javanese say as silahturahim. And one silahturahim in learning philosophy is to read the elegy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Fiveth Reflection of Phylosophy Mathematics Education

The Fiveth Reflection of Phylosophy Mathematics Education

          Philosophy is like a lobby of building that called knowledge or science. And the rooms in the building is the other specific discipline science. So, if we want to enter the rooms, we should pass the lobby. As well as science, if we want to study a specific science there will be philosophy as his introduction.
          In philosophy, there are formal, normative and spiritual. Formal phylosophy such that IQ, SQ, and EQ. Spiritual quotient can improve the intelligence quotient.  If  spiritual and intelligence quotient of person well-developed then the  good emotional quotient is will be the consequences. In the philosophy of people who have a good Emotional Quotient manners will apply to space and time. But all of that it’s depend on the limitation of human thinking.
          When we examine the definition of who we are by philosophy. Then we can look at the material, formal, normative, and spiritual. the material is our body. Formally is our identity. normatively is my mind, while spiritually it is my prayers, practice
          Skeptisism is doubtful that all that exists and may exist. Skeptisism figure was Rene Descartes. Initially, Rene Descartes doubted everything, including God. until Rene Descartes discovered that I’m exist because I’m thinking about something or I’m exist because I’m asking about something. And finally, from  human imperfection Rene Descartes believes that God exists.
          Normatif phylosophy such that love. We can not define love because love is an intuition that we can only give examples and their characteristics. For example, we can explain our love for our parents until now but we cannot explain our love for our parents ten years from now and beyond.
          Philosophizing is a process to think reflectively. Because of the reflective process to think that philosophy is not necessarily in writing philosophy. Philosophy while not written yet certainly not philosophy. For example is elegy, In Elegy no words of philosophy, but elegy is a philosophy.
          Someone called philosophizing when he reflects on his mind. A person can be said to be capable of doing philosophy if they can think of normative, analytical, and a priori. For example, cats are not able to think of philosophy as cats are not able to think a priori, analytic. because the cats are only able to think sintetic and apostiori.

4th Reflection of Phylosopy of mathematics Education

4th Reflection of Phylosopy of mathematics Education

          Philosophy has the dimension with the smallest dimension is yourself. Philosophy also talked about the romance with their respective ideologies romatisism depends on how look at it. As related by the power, then who is the most handsome that's the most power.
          The nature of philosophy is not static. But there is a philosophy that is static ie permeudessianism.
          The history of philosophy is the history of ideas of the philosophers. Philosophize is to learn to read philosophers of mind. Should do not hurry in studying, do not be too arrogant to read reference.
          Philosophy is a thought though. If the thought is life. So if we do not want to think that the philosophy we're dead.
          Right and wrong depend upon the context. For example, the phrase "I love him" within the sentence is appropriate if it is the right context. If we replace him as a husband, children, parents then it would be right. But if we replace them as neighbors it needs to be questioned again.
          Ontology who study nature . Epistemology learn the source of knowledge and ratification of right and wrong science. And also branch of science. Axiology is divided into ethics and aesthetics in which ethics is the norm while the aesthetics are good or bad. benefits include fasiologi.
          If we are talking about the standard is essentially the same thing. The standard philosophy is comensurme. And the opposite of comensurme is  incomensurme.
          To Determine not only in living alone but also on inanimate objects. The philosophy is determinism.
          A philosopher would not say he was a philosopher but other people who say it. Others say because of his work so that a philosopher is usually a writer. And a philosopher as a philosopher once said hundreds of his work is still useful and not yet refuted. Plato known as the idealist, Aristoteles known as realisnya. Paul Ernest while not regarded as a philosopher because he just wrote / summarize the philosophy of mathematics.

3rd Reflection of Phylosopy of Mathematics Education

3rd Reflection of Phylosopy of Mathematics Education

          Philosophy has the dimension with the smallest dimension is yourself. Philosophy also talked about the romance with their respective ideologies romatisism depends on how look at it. As related by the power, then who is the most handsome that's the most power.
          The nature of philosophy is not static. But there is a philosophy that is static ie permeudessianism.
          The history of philosophy is the history of ideas of the philosophers. Philosophize is to learn to read philosophers of mind. Should do not hurry in studying, do not be too arrogant to read reference.
          Philosophy is a thought though. If the thought is life. So if we do not want to think that the philosophy we're dead.
          Right and wrong depend upon the context. For example, the phrase "I love him" within the sentence is appropriate if it is the right context. If we replace him as a husband, children, parents then it would be right. But if we replace them as neighbors it needs to be questioned again.
          Ontology who study nature . Epistemology learn the source of knowledge and ratification of right and wrong science. And also branch of science. Axiology is divided into ethics and aesthetics in which ethics is the norm while the aesthetics are good or bad. benefits include fasiologi.
          If we are talking about the standard is essentially the same thing. The standard philosophy is comensurme. And the opposite of comensurme is  incomensurme.
          To Determine not only in living alone but also on inanimate objects. The philosophy is determinism.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

tugas filsafat

Pertanyaan Filsafat

Pertanyaan dan komentar dibuat oleh  Riana Sinta Dewi (09313244022)
Dijawab oleh Dian Andarwati (09313244020)
Kelas Inter Math Edu ‘09

1.    Apakah hubungan antara ilmuku dan ilmumu?
Hubungannya adalah pertanyaan
Dengan pertanyaan kita bisa mengetahui sejauh mana ilmu kita  berada.

2.    Apakah ada hal yang terbebas dari ruang dan waktu?
Tidak. Karena selama kita hidup maka kita akan selalu terikat ruang dan waktu.

3.    Apakah hakekat sebenar-benarnya jebakan filsafat?
Perbedaan ruang dan waktu.
Filsafat itu terkait dengan ruang dan waktu. Sehingga jebakan filsafat adalah keadaan dimana kita berada pada ruang dan waktu yang salah. Jadi sebenar-benarnya jebakan filsafat adalah jebakan ruang dan waktu.   

4.    Mengapa logika itu ke bawah?
Logika merupakan hasil dari ilmu pengetahuan yang sudah kita dapat. Jadi, kita dapat menggunakan logika untuk hal-hal yang belum terjadi sehingga logika itu bersifat ke bawah.

5.    Mengapa ilmu itu bersifat tak terbatas?
Karena semakin kita mempelajari dan mendalami ilmu kita akan semakin sering bertanya sehingga ilmu kita akan semakin banyak dan hingga tak terbatas.
Semakin kita mendalami sesuatu maka kita semakin tidak tahu tentang itu (haus akan ilmu yang belum kita ketahui)

6.    Apakah hubungan matematika dan filsafat?
Hakekat filsafat adalah berpikir. Matematika adalah salah satu ilmu pengetahuan. Maka hubungan antara keduanya adalah berpikir mengenai matematika itu sendiri. Dalam pendidikan matematika, kita bisa menggunakan filsafat sebagai acuan kegiatan refleksif karena hakekat filsafat adalah refleksi.

7.    Mengapa kita mengerjakan tugas?
Karena untuk meningkatkan dimensi kita

8.    Bagaimana kita mengetahui seseorang itu filsuf atau bukan?
Seorang filsuf tidak akan mengakui dirinya adalah filsuf. Seorang filsuf dianggap sebagai filsuf jika diakui oleh orang lain.
Seseorang dikatakan sebagai seorang filsuf karena karyanya sehingga sering orang tersebut dianggap sebagai filsuf setelah puluhan/ratusan tahun setelah beliau wafat selama pemikirannya tersebut tidak terbantahkan.

9.    Apakah perbedaan antara filsafatmu dan filsafatku?
Perbedaan pikiran kita
Karena hakekat dari filsafat adalah berpikir/pikiran. Sehingga yang membedakan filsafat satu dan lainnya adalah perbedaan pikiran atau cara berpikir atau cara pandang seseorang dengan yang lainnya.

10. Apakah sebenar-benar yang engkau lakukan?
Sedang menggapai filsafat

Monday, October 8, 2012

2 Refleksi Filsafat Pend. Matematika

“Philosophy and Life”

          We can put philosophy in front of everything, so we can put philosophy in front of mathematics, mathematics education. Because filasafat object is there and there may be so that the object of philosophy of mathematics is that there and there may exist in mathematics, object of mathematics education philosophy is that there and there may exist in mathematics education.
          Philosophy is live. We can study about philosophy with use life approach. So we study philosophy with built the philosophy. Philosophy is a process to think. Therefore, we can work that philosophy with logic and experience because they can be used to think. Think about something said to be completed if supported by logic and experience The people that have ability not use their experience to think, philosopher say that the people is undead. So the benefits philosophy was if we think and reflect because philosophy is the reflexive thinks.
          When we do something and do not know what this means then it can be said to be a myth. even small children learn something with mythical. they know something without knowing beforehand what it means. like a child knowing something was burning is hot.
          Philosophy is harmony. Harmonious is balanced, something said to be balanced if it does not stop or anything that moves.
          Object of anything in this world have characteristic. During we can think even if we do not find the character because at least he has a trait we can think of. Characteristic  determine the nature of the object . Characteristic also can be seen from anywhere. Therefore it is the nature of life. So there is a law of subject and predicate which  characteristics acts as subject.
          We can define philosophy as anything. the most important in defining philosophy is how we define the philosophy and why we define it as such. objects of philosophy is that there is and maybe then we can define a philosophy holding that may exist in our minds. Dimention of philosphy depend of we think about the philosphy.
My question is relaed with Mr. Marsigit’s elegy “Jebakan filsafat”
Philosophy is a thought . Phylosophy is reflexive activity. So it can be said that philosophy is the result of my thinking. So whether it's a trap philosophy? Did trap philosophy is an illusion that we create in our own minds?