Wednesday, December 5, 2012

4th Reflection of Phylosopy of mathematics Education

4th Reflection of Phylosopy of mathematics Education

          Philosophy has the dimension with the smallest dimension is yourself. Philosophy also talked about the romance with their respective ideologies romatisism depends on how look at it. As related by the power, then who is the most handsome that's the most power.
          The nature of philosophy is not static. But there is a philosophy that is static ie permeudessianism.
          The history of philosophy is the history of ideas of the philosophers. Philosophize is to learn to read philosophers of mind. Should do not hurry in studying, do not be too arrogant to read reference.
          Philosophy is a thought though. If the thought is life. So if we do not want to think that the philosophy we're dead.
          Right and wrong depend upon the context. For example, the phrase "I love him" within the sentence is appropriate if it is the right context. If we replace him as a husband, children, parents then it would be right. But if we replace them as neighbors it needs to be questioned again.
          Ontology who study nature . Epistemology learn the source of knowledge and ratification of right and wrong science. And also branch of science. Axiology is divided into ethics and aesthetics in which ethics is the norm while the aesthetics are good or bad. benefits include fasiologi.
          If we are talking about the standard is essentially the same thing. The standard philosophy is comensurme. And the opposite of comensurme is  incomensurme.
          To Determine not only in living alone but also on inanimate objects. The philosophy is determinism.
          A philosopher would not say he was a philosopher but other people who say it. Others say because of his work so that a philosopher is usually a writer. And a philosopher as a philosopher once said hundreds of his work is still useful and not yet refuted. Plato known as the idealist, Aristoteles known as realisnya. Paul Ernest while not regarded as a philosopher because he just wrote / summarize the philosophy of mathematics.

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