Riana Sinta Dewi
The Realationship Between
Ethnomathematics and Mathematics Education
We know that mathematics split into
2, there are pure mathematics and mathematics eduacation. Pure mathematics
known as mathematics and mathematics education known as school mathematics.
Mathematics is a deductive science
because we starting from definition, developing theorem, axiom to produce
another theorem. If we talk about the realtionship between mathematics and
ethnomathematics so the result is there isn’t because mathematician say that:
Mathematics is free of culture and
means that there isn’t intersection between mathematics and culture, value
Mathematics just for mathematics.
means that mathematics is close science. Mathematics is closed from others
If mathematics with etnomathematics so
it isn’t mathematics.
mathematics is mathematics for school. If in mathematics (pure mathematics) the
subject is mathematician, in school mathematics the subject is student. The
paradigm of school mathematics is not to make a theorem but how to construct
students’ own knowledge.
Cocroft in
Marsigit, the characteristics
of school mathematics according to Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63) include:
Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships .
Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination,
intuition and invention.
Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving)
Mathematics as a tool to communicate
The different between pure
mathematics and Etnograph, pyshchology, and humaniora is if in pure mathematics
definition is main basic and it lies at the beginning. But in Etnograph, pyshchology, and humaniora; make
definition will be dangerous because definition make a boundary. If there is
definition in Etnograph, pyshchology, and humaniora, it is not definition but
descriptive or category, criteria againts something and it is located at the
We must remember that pure mathematics
is not equal to pure mathematics because in school mathematics wiil be interact
with students but in pure mathematics not.
If we talk the relationship between
ethnomathematics and mathematics education in
space/context/culture/critilization and time so it is large area. Because we
use mathematics in our society and the society must have the culture. So
instantly mathematics and culture will be interact in society .
Based on
space/context/culture/critilization, we have object, subject, method, product.
The soft example are ideas, believe (habit), theories, paradigm (rule), and
philosophy. And the hard example are artifact, monument, and book.
Based on time, we have the
abstraction about what, who, why, where, and for what. And they are always be
question with mathematics education.
Based on where, we have several good
academic place. they are there in Paris, Bangkok, Nederland (RME) , Italy (Pisa), Japan, USA (NCTM).
Based on the Geography there are
North Usa, East Asia, South Asia,Nest Europe, Africa, Middle Ero-Asia,
Based on antropology, we have big
cities, rural area, remotearea, isolated area. Based on where, we have specific
etnomath such as street math in Brazil, Ritual math in Yogyakarta, and
spiritual math. Based on abstract( geographic), we have liberal democracy
(USA), democracy (Indonesia), and Industri.
All of this came from Archaic to
Triibal to Traditional to Feudal to Modern to Post Moden and to Contemporer.
Asumsi Dasar Karakteristik Matematika,
Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum
Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Di SMP
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