Saturday, September 10, 2011


Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Summary by Riana Sinta Dewi (09313244022)
Saturday, 10 th September 2011
Realistic Mathematics focus on contruct mathematics from concrete objects and environment objects. Concrete objects can used as mathematic learning context to contruct mathematics through social interaction. In here, student manipulate concrete objects and environment objects to help them in process concrete mathematics to abstrac mathematics. So student can cronstruct and make mathematics based on their way. We also need reflection activities of social activity that can occur integrating and strengthening the relationship between subject in understanding the structure of mathematics.
According to Hans Freudental in Sugiman (2007), mathematics is a human activities and must be linked tu reality. Thus when student do activities to learn mathematics so in itself there is matematics process. There are two kinds of matematics process. First, horizontal mathematics is process from the real world into the mathematical symbols. Second, vertical mathematics is mathematical system itself. In vertical mathematics, we focus in mathematics itself, example how to solve the problem matematically, how to applying the formula, and soon.
Viewed from the side of teachers, review and analysis of learning mathematics that have been recorded in a Video Tape Recorder (VTR) is one way that can be done by the teacher to get the idea about concrete objects who can be used as mathematics learning context to construct mathematics from social activity.
Through the VTR, we expect that teachers able to learn how to:
1. to make the preparation process of teaching and learning mathematics in Junior High School according to the principle of PMRI.
2. to develop learning resources for teaching and learning mathematics in Junior High School according to the principle of PMRI.
3. to develop assessment activities for teaching and learning mathematics in Junior High School according to the principle of PMRI.
4. to implement teaching-learning mathematics in Junior High School according to the principle of PMRI.

In realistic types that have characteristic buttom-up approach
where students develop their own models and then the model used
basis for developing formal mathematics. There are two kinds of models that occur
in the process, therea are the model of the situation (a model of situation) and a model for
mathematical (formal model for mathematics). In the realistic model emerged from
students' informal strategies in response to real problems for later formulated
in formal mathematics, this kind of process in accordance with the historical development of
mathematics itself (Sugiman, 2007). Implement four-phase model of learning
Realistic Mathematics can be described as follows (Zulkardi, 2004), Introduction => creation and development symbolic model => explanation and reasons => conclution/application. And reflection for all activities.
About the benefits of VTR, expressed by Isoda, M (2006) :
“ VTR (Video Tape Recorder) for teacher education and reform movement in Mathematics Education, specifically for developing lesson study has some benefits as : a) short summary of the lesson with emphasis on the major problems in the lesson, b) components of the lesson and main events in the class, and, c) possible issues foer discussion and reflection with teachers observing the lesson.”
By observation and analysis on the VTR on learning mathematics, which has recorded a teacher who has implemented the laerning of mathematics wiyh a realistic approach, then the other teacher can test and find alternative development of the acquired concepts or ideas about concrete objects and environment objects can be used as a context for learning mathematics in establishing mathematical connections through social interaction.
Use of VTR with realistic approach to learning mathematics can give some benefits:
1. Teacher have the opportunity to test the concrete objects and environment objects can be used a mathematics learning context to construct mathematics connections through social interaction.
2. Teachers have the opportunity to explore and reflect on the concepts realistic mathematics learning.
3. Teachers have the opportunity to exchange experiences with the other teachers about the development of realistic mathematics learning.
4. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the preparation process of teaching-learning mathematics in Junior High School according to the principle of PMRI.
5. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the development of sources learning for teaching and learning mathematics in Junior high School according to the principle of PMRI.
6. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the development assesment activities for teaching and learning mathematics in Junior high School according to the principle of PMRI.

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