Friday, September 23, 2011


Oleh :
Drs. Marsigit, M.A.
Summary by Riana Sinta Dewi(09313244022)
Friday, 23th Sept 2011
            The task of teacher is not easy and as innovative teacher of mathematics, we must always strive to help students to like math. As for the constraints of teachers, among others, a lack of understtanding of the meaning of theory, how to apply, the existing system, environmental conditions, learning facilities, how to develop the technology learning mathematics, how to handle differences in mathematical abilities of their students. While the target of achieving a high UAN and to achieve the syllabus are the two main factors why the teacher seemed to have no other alternative except to rely exposition methods  on mathematics teaching . And it is this which causes the student does not like math.
            Many things can be done to change the paradigm, one of them by developing the design of learning mathematics. Cocroft Report recommends some variation of learning (1982: 132) : method of exposition by the teacher, the methods of discussion, between teachers and students and between students and students, methods of solving problems (problem solving), methods of discovery (investigation), methods of basic training skills and principles, methods of implementation.By considering the nature of mathematics, the nature of  studying mathematics, the nature of  students learn  mathematics and its implications for the development of instructional design. Implementation of design that can be done by teachers, among others, consists of the preparation phase of teaching, learning phaseevaluation phase,evaluate yourself. Development of mathematical learning design needs to pay attention to / to promote a new paradigm:

Teacher Centered => Student Centered
Transfer of knowledge => Cognitive Dev.
Authoritarian => Democratic
Teachers Initiative  => Students Initiative
Passive Students => Active Students 
Exposition => Variations Methods, tools, approaches
Absolutist Mathematics =>  School Mathematics
Abstract, Memory => Concrete, Understanding, Application
Very formal => Little Informal
Sentralistic => Autonomy
Highly Structured => Flexible


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