Saturday, September 17, 2011


Lesson Study:
Pendekatan Baru untuk Pembelajaran Matematika pada Murid
Berkebutuhan Khusus
Di muat di KR Agustus 2008
Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Summary by Riana Sinta Dewi (09313244022)
Saturday, 17th Sept 2011
Lesson Study is a multi-level approach to improving the quality of learning by working together as a basic element. With the element, lesson study has many benefits, among others, to improve the professionalism of teachers, to improve the quality of learning, to develop the potential and serve the learning needs of students, to develop a variety of teaching property, etc..
Lesson Study can be viewed as an improvement activities and by learning from the teacher because of the cooperation undertaken based on self-disclosure was developed by teachers for reflection and communication processes and learning outcomes.
In accordance with Law no. 20 of 2003 National Education System Article 32 paragraph (1) and (2) on special education and given the diversity of abilities, potential and the difficulties experienced by children with special needs, then the lesson study offers a solution over the medium and long term to obtain a mathematical learning according to the characteristics of children with special needs.Ebutt and Straker (1995) defines school mathematics including for children with special needs rather than as a science but rather as a creative and social activities that provide opportunities for children with special needs to look for patterns or relationships between one concept with another concept, conducting investigations in accordance with the abilities of each child, trying to solve math problems, and communicate the results to a friend or teacher, either orally or in writing.
The other problems related to physical constraints or the other, can be derived from the likelihood they can not read well, do not understand the meaning or purpose of the symbol or symbols of mathematics, can not concentrate or focus and can not control themselves. So, Torey Hayden (2004) suggested that teachers need to focus on core stuff, use the steps and strategies are simple and clear, always giving and help to plan whether oral, written or visual, learning based on the existing context and linking with concrete objects, perform repetitions, as well as serving the needs of supporting learning in the classroom immediately.
Lesson Study as a study will provide an opportunity for teachers to discuss the preparation of learning, implement and reflect at the same time. Observation of activities beneficial to record all aspects of learning with the intent to obtain benefits for the next learning improvement. Therefore Lesson Study results can be useful for curriculum improvement (KTSP) and the syllabus, textbooks, learning resources and others.
Based on studies in different countries: Japan, Australia, Thailand, the implementation of Lesson Study Lesson Study can be variation.School-Based Lesson Study lesson study is to improve learning and preparation (RPP) as well as understanding the curriculum. So lesson study can be conducted by a teacher with another teacher or a lecturer invited as sources. But if we want to improving communications between teacher and other teacher or among MGMP or other school and university, then it can be implemented Cross-School Lesson Study. Lesson Study can be expanded both in the district, province or country called Lesson Study Cross-District.

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