Sunday, September 11, 2011


Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007
Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP
Oleh :
Dr. Marsigit M.A.

Summary by Riana Sinta Dewi (09313244022)
Sunday, 10th September 2011
            This paper explain about Miscrosoft Word 2007 as a medium of learning geometry in Junior High School.
            Micsrosoft Word 2007 is one of computer sofware that is easy and commonly used in almost every new computer gerneration. In Microsoft Word 2007 there is SmartArt Graphic that allows users to create various graphs. With the SmartArt Graphic, we can create different kinds of geometry either two dimension or three dimension and their animated.
            Basic form of geometry can be found on the menu “Insert” => “Shapes” => “Basic Shapes”. We can also draw object itself by using the SmartArt graphic, then click “Insert” => “SmartArt”.
            By utilizing the various facilities within Microsoft Word 2007, we can develop a medium of learning geometry in Junior High School, especially the Standard of Competence Junior High School students related to geometric capabilities as follows:  to understand the relationship line to line, line to angle, angle to angle, and how to determine its size.  to understand the concept of a rectangle and a triangle and how to determine its size. how to using the Pythagorean Theorem in determine circle and their elements, and how to determine its size. to understand the properties of the cube, rectangular prism, prism pyramid and its parts, and how to determine its size. to understand simiarity and the application. to understand the properties of tubes, cones and sphere, and how to determine its size.
            By utilizing the various facilities in Microsof Word 2007, we can learn about polygon, triangle and quadrilateral, surface area and volume.
            The advantages of Microsoft Word 2007 for teachers and students, among others:
  1.  The use of Microsoft Word 2007 is easily done by the teacher because the the software is contained in almost every new computer generation.
  2.  The use of Microsoft Word 2007 will increases the motivation and pleasure of students in studying geometry.
  3. Students can use Microsoft Word 2007 to study the geometry either independently or discussion with friends.
  4. Using Microsoft Word 2007, students can do an investigations of concepts of geometry.
  5. Using Microsoft 2007, students can do problem-solving or solving mathematical problem.
  6. Using Microsoft Word 2007, students can communicate the results to both the teaher and to other friends.

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