Saturday, October 15, 2011

managing the teaching learning

“Managing The Teaching Learning Process  of Mathematics (Practical Approach)”
by Dr. Marsigit, M.A

Summary by Riana Sinta Dewi (09313244022)
1.      Developing the Lesson Plan
            A lesson plan is a plan for learning . A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson.[1] Lesson plan is belong to the teacher because lesson plan is personal rights of teachers. Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is a plan that describes the procedures and organization of learning to achieve a basic competence specified in the  Content Standards and is described in the syllabus.

RPP components are[2]
1. Basic competence
2. Competency Achievement Indicators
3. Learning objectives
4. Teaching Materials
5. Time allocation
6. Learning methods
7. Learning activities
8. Assessment of Learning Outcomes
9. Learning Resources

The principles of arrangement RPP are:
-          Taking into account the individual differences of learners
-          Encourage active participation of learners
-          Developing a culture of reading and writing
-           Provide feedback and follow-up
-          Linkage and integration
-          Applying information and communication technology

2.      Developing Students’ Worksheet
            There is paradigm that to learn mathematics is to do mathematics. And to do mathematics, students need facilities. Students’ worksheet is one of tool to do mathematics. remember that student’s worksheet is not only a set of problem, it is absolutly wrong. The criteria of good students’ worksheet: students can construct their own knowledge of mathermatics, that  promote the teacher can  apply discovery method.
            There are two kinds of student worksheet (LKS), which was developed in learning at school[3]:
-          Student Worksheet unstructured.
Unstructured student worksheet is the sheet that contains the means for the subject matter, as an aid activity learners are used to convey a lesson. LKS is a teaching tool that can be used to accelerate learning, encouraging learning in each individual, contains little hint, in writing or verbally to direct work on the learner.
-          Structured student worksheets 
Structured student worksheets contain information, examples and tasks. LKS is     designed to guide learners in a work program or subjects, with little or no help coaches to achieve learning objectives. (Indrianto, 1998:14-17).
There are four steps in developing the students’ worksheet:
a.       Determining the instructional aims by analyzing the students by identify who are our students, knowing the character of our students.
b.      Collects the materials that we need based on instructional aims.
c.       Arranging the students worksheet, at least there are materials, taks, and exercies.
d.      Checking the students worksheet, it is consistent with the instructional aim or not.

3.      Developing Learning Resources
            According to the Association for education and Technology (AECT), learning resourcesare all things that are functional can be exploited, and used to support, maintain, andenrich the learning process[4].
            There are two types of learning resources[5]: 
-          Learning resources are designed (learning resources, by design), the learning resources that are specifically designed or developedas a component of an instructional system to provide facilities directed learning and formal.
-          Learning resources used (learning resources, by utilization), the learning resources that are not designed specifically for the purpose of learning and its existence can be found,implemented and utilized for the purposes of learning.
            Learning resources may take the form: 
-          message: information, teaching materials; folklore, fairy tales, sagas, and so on;
-          people: teachers, instructors, students, experts, resource persons, community leaders, leaders of institutions, career leaders and others; 
-          materials: books, transparencies, films, slides, pictures, graphics designed for learning, reliefs, temples, statues, comics, and so forth; 
-          tools / equipment: hardware, computers, radios, televisions, VCD / DVD, camera, whiteboard, generators, engines, cars, motors, power tools, screwdrivers and the like; 
-          approaches / methods / techniques: discuss, seminars, problem solving, simulations, games, gatherings, casual conversations, discussions, debates, talk shaw and the like; and 
-          environments: classrooms, studios, libraries, halls, friends, gardens, markets, shops, museums, offices and so on.
            But if the traditional resources are talk and chalk.

4.      Developing and Implementing Apperception
            Apperception means appreciation of all things is the basis to accept new ideas. In general, the function of apperception in learning activities is to bring the students into the world of teachers. That is, to relate what is already known or in naturally with what will be learned, so that students are more motivated to keep learning[6]. Apperception in here means that students readiness to learn. Apperception must be done by the teacher when they want to teach the material. So, teacher facilitate the students’ apperception with invite students to doing something or anything, do the simple problem,etc.
            The purpose of apperception, among others:
-          Trying to draw them into the world that we create.
-          Trying to unite the two world.
-          Creating athmoshere.

5.      Developing and Implementing Various Method of Teaching
            The use of a variation of teaching is to entice students to better concentrate onthe lessons given by teachers[7].
            The principle of the use of a variation of teaching is as follows:
-          In using a varietyof skills that all variations should be used,
-          use a smooth and continuous variation, 
-          use of components of  variation must be correct – properly stuctured and planned by the teacher[8].
            There are many various method of teaching, such as expository method, discussion method, demonstration method, recitation method, experimental method, drill method, team teaching method, peer teaching method, problem solving method, discovery method, inquiry method,directed method[9]. In this video teacher use directed, expository, and discussion method.

6.      Developing and Implementing Various Teaching Aids
            A teaching aid is a tool used by teachers to help leaners improve  their skills. Props is one component of determining the effectiveness of learning. The goal is to useprops to demonstrate abstract concepts into visual form. Props divided into 2 kinds, can be touched and can’t be touched. Now, many teaching aids are like games so students will be enjoy syudy it. And it will be motivate students.
7.      Developing and Implementing Various Interactions ( Interaction between Teacher and Student, Student and Teacher)
            To interact with students, there are three types of interaction that teachers should do,
-          Whole class : the teachers give some problems to the students in class, then the teachers give a chance to the students to answer the problems.
-          Small Group : teacher dividing the class into some small group, and then the students discuss the material in groups. Teacher monitoring each group and help to solve the problem in each group (only give some clue about the answer).

8.      Developing and Implementing Small Group Discussion
            How to do make small discussion:
-          Make small group within 3-5 person.
-          The students discuss the material in group.
-          The teacher as fasilitator and help the difficulty of student in discussion.
-          The teacher as a leader of all discussion in class.
                        The expected learning outcomes of implementing small group discussion are to compare the perceptions of all individuals about the material who may different each other; comparing the interpretation and the information obtained by each individual can improve mutual understanding, perception, information, interpretation, so that mistakes can be avoided.
                        Disscussion is one of teaching method that is more suitable and necessary if teachers would provide an oppotunity to students to express their abilities, critical thinking, assessing its role in the discussion, looking at the problem from their own experience and lesson learned in school, motivating, and examine further.
9.      Developing and Implementing Students’ Presentation / Reflection
            Reflection is an activity with intensive listening back to the learning experience. Students are given the freedom to reflect. Through reflection, students try to :
-          Understand the process, problems, issues, and constraints were evident in strategic action, taking into account the various perspectives that may exist in learning class situation.
-          Understand the issues of learning and the classroom situation where leraning implemented.  
      In this video, one of students from each group, reflect back the results of his discussion group to all her friends in class.
            Presentation method is a method of expression of ideas, feelings in public by one or more presenter to include paper or not. The goal is to train students to develop writing and speaking skills and how to think critically and analitically.

10.  Developing and Implementing The  Cognitive Scheme (the scheme for the students to achive their competence).
            Cognivite theorem develop by Piaget. The implications of Piaget's theory of learning are as follows:
a. Focusing on the process of thinking or mental processes of children not just in its products. In addition to the truth of the answers of students, teachers must understand the processes used so that children arrive at that answer.
b. Introduction and recognition of the role of children is very important in self initiativeand active involvement in learning activities. Piaget in the classroom, presenting thematerial to be (ready made) are not given emphasis, and children are encouraged todiscover for itself through spontaneous interaction with the environment.
c. No emphasis on practices that are directed to make the kids like adults in mind.
d. Acceptance of individual differences in the progress of development, Piaget's theoryassumes that all children develop through the same developmental sequence, but theyacquire it at different speeds.

11.  Developing and Implementing Students’ Conclutions
            This approach allowed some creative thinking brainstroming for new ideas. The overall goal of this method comes with new ideas or a combination of new ideas. To start a brainstroming session, the teacher must create or choose one issues to be the topic of discussion. The session win run smoothly if the following step be maintained:
-          All ideas welcomed
-          The students are not allowed to criticize every idea put forward.

12.  Developing and Implementing Assessment.
            Performance-based assessment is an approach to the monitoring of students’ progress in relationship to identified leaner outcomes.
Experts in the field emphasize that any effective performance assessment, task should have the following design features:
-          Students should be active participants, not passive.
-          Intended outcomes should be clearly identified and should guide to design of a performance task.
-          Students must demonstrate their ability.
-          A clearly presented set of criteria should be avaliable to help judge the degree of proficiency in a students response.     

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